Monday, October 15, 2007


The KC crew seems to have a good handle on the cross natz this year.

They managed to have their website up month, not days, before the event. There is event merchandise available. There is a clear and easy way to sign up to volunteer.

They hired "King Dickie" Fries as announcer though... Curious.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Alumni Ride Piccie

I Bike

You bike.

He/she/it bikes.

Bike is not a verb.

That is all.

Rhody Ride

On Saturday I traveled down to Kingston for a URI Cycling Team reunion ride.

When I was at URI the only year we had a racing team was 1987. It was anchored by Jim Peters (NBX), Fred Croy and multiple Masters national champion Mike Hutchinson. Jeff “Potsie” Potter Jimmy Aldrich, Eric Bowker (Catamount) and I rounded out the roster. We had some success thanks to the talent of Jim, Mike and Fred and we had a lot of fun thanks to all. The team rumbled on for a few more years after us but died out about 1992. There were a couple of false starts since then and nothing has taken hold on campus.

Eight riders showed up for the ride Saturday. Most still ride regularly and three are still racing. I was amazed at the turnout. The campus paper even showed up to take a few pictures and ask a few questions.

I faded about an hour into the ride and Dr. Matt and I headed back to campus and met up with the rest at Fred’s house later in the afternoon. It was quite a nice day of catching up with old friends.